My Personality Type


    1. How well do you think your type description describes you?  Give an example of part that is “right on”, and another part that is maybe “not so much.”
      Its actually really accurate! At first, I took the test and it gave me the personality type 
      INFJ, which didn't really describe me personally, but when I took it again the description is spot on. I would say I'm an "idea" and a "person" person. I like to contemplate life as a whole, but I'm also very close to others with how they feel and act! There is nothing really wrong about the description about me.

    2. Does your personality type description help you to better understand why you are the way you are – and to understand why you gravitate towards some types of work, play, or activities over others?  Explain.
      Yeah, I do! I feel that I can connect with the description given and when I read something about it and the different emotions I have, it'll make sense to me as a person. I also feel that this tests helps people to understand themselves and how they feel as well, and its good to know how you are outwardly if you didn't really know for understand it.

    3. In what ways does your personality type clarify for you the role you tend to take when on a team, as part of your family, or in any other setting requiring interaction with a group?  What happens when the role you need to fill matches up with your personality type?  What happens when it doesn’t?

      I tend to be the one to make things fun and exciting for people, or to cheer them up. As a team I try to contribute as much as I can, but I'm not really a "leader" in most circumstances. (Here in E-Comm, though, I find it much easier and I do feel that I can be a leader or a follower! Either one I'm comfortable with.) When I can't be this person to others, I will generally become more shut out to them and tend not to really talk to them if it fails at me being apart. But, most of the time, that isn't the case! Its very rarely.

    4. In what ways do you think other people have misunderstood you in the past, due to your personality type?  Are there people in your life that you “have issues” with, that could at least partially be explained by the two of you not understanding or not accepting each other’s personality types?  Examples!
      I think that some people can't understand how I can relate to them or understand certain emotions they do, and how I can be so sympathetic towards them, since some of my friends can't do that. I wouldn't say that I have people that I have "issues" with, I just gets hard sometimes to befriend people who are more introverted. It can make things harder in certain situation, but also I can really connect with some introverts at times!

    5. What have you learned about yourself by doing this assignment?
      I have learned more about myself, how I act, and how my feelings towards others are!

      From my LOBGR test, I scored an Otter for my first, and a Golden Retriever for my second. It pretty much describes me, such as "influencing and motivating others", but I do feel that the Golden Retriever describes me almost exactly as well. The only things that I feel is wrong with the Otter personality for me is that I do develop close relationships with some people (like the Golden Retriever), and my work is best described like the Golden Retriever's is. ("Works best in a limited situation with a steady work pattern"). But otherwise, it does describe me pretty well!


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