AB Sequence

Point A to B Challenge #2

Beginning the Project:

For the start of this project, the class learned about film sequencing and the 6-shots of film. It went over which directions to film to not confuse the audience, such as where to place the camera to tell where your character is going. The 6-shots included types of shots, such as a closeup, full body, etc., and when best to use each of them in a skit. 

Following learning this, we were put into groups of 4, one being the director. I was chosen to be the director, and the rest of my group members chose picked their jobs, such as camera placement, camera, and actor. After this, we then came up with a skit to film. The concept was that Sydney (the actor), would be really gloomy about coming to school due to a "bully". She then receives a text saying that the bully was suspended from school, and she immediately gets very happy and excited. She then begins to dance around the school, and in the process being very rude to others, such as a bully would act. Then, she would realize her mistake that she had suddenly become to bully to others, and rush out to apologize to the person she hurt (Which was me, the other actor). If I could change anything about this project, it would be the skit. It is a bit confusing and doesn't make much sense in the end to the viewer, but it does get the humor across which was the main focus. 

While filming:

The filming process had to be the hardest part of this project, with the preparation of materials and the short time span being difficult to work with. But, once set up, the project and skit did roll out smoothy. The team was fun and exciting, and it was overall a good experience! I had fun directing and making the ideas happen as much as I could. 

While editing, I learned more about how to edit. It went better than the last project, and I learned many more techniques such as switching film to black and white, cutting audio in parts, etc. There was more parts to cut and add since it was longer, so I also got experience in picking the best shots, trimming those shots, and creating an video with many shots that were taken and outtakes (We shot at least 150+ clips). The overall result of the editing is very clean, and I do like how it turned out! It was good experience with me for editing and combining clips and audio, as well as team work and being a direction of a film. I would enjoy being a director again and doing another project like this, because it was very enjoyable!


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