Logo Color Schemes

Logo Color Schemes

Katie Christy


This logo uses the colors of yellow, yellow green, and green. I think the company chose these colors because that way it would be easy to recognize that it is a gas company, since most logos from gas companies use colors such as these. (Analogous colors)

This older logo of Taco Bell uses the colors Red, Orange, and Yellow. I think that this company chose these colors because the red relays excitement, and as people pass, it would most likely grab their attention. Also, the fact that these colors are used together make sense, since it is in common with what they are selling, which is food.


This logo uses the colors Orange and Blue. I think that the company probably chose these colors because it resembles soda, since the color of the soda is also orange, and its known for its color.

This logo uses the colors Yellow and Purple. I think that the company probably chose these colors because it stood out more, and it did. The logo is now well known for the basketball team, and is well recognizable.


This logo uses the colors Red and Yellow. I think McDonald's probably chose these colors because according to another blog, Yellow is the most visible color in the daylight, which is why the "M" in McDonald's can be seen from a far distance. Red and yellow is also predominately used by fast food companies.

This logo uses the colors Red and Yellow (And Orange.) I think this company probably chose these colors that, as well, it is more noticed when looking at chip products to buy, but also because the chips generally are these colors as well, so it suits it.


This company used the color of Green. I think that this company probably chose this color because, since Coffee shops are generally associated with the colors green and brown, it is easily recognizable, and also since the sea is greenish, because of the Siren. 


This company uses the color of green. The reason why this company probably chose this color was to associate it with nature, such as the jungle and the forest, as well as trees, grass, and plants.

This company uses the color of blue in their logo. The reason why this company probably chose this color to resemble birds, like the bird that the logo shows, or just a bright color to grab your attention for the fact its a social media website, always grabbing your attention.

Triad Colors

This company uses the colors Red, Blue, and Yellow. They probably used these colors because they are associated with Superman's costume, him being a hero, and also his home planet.

This company uses the colors Red, Blue, And Yellow. The reason why this company used these colors is probably for the fact that these colors are typically closely related to fast foods, is easy to spot, and also resembles a burger (the colors yellow and red), which is what they serve.


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